Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Britney Spears

Britney Spears Temporarily Loses Custody from Children Britney Spears

(AP Photo/Diane Bondareff, file) Kevin Federline and also Britney Spears (AP Photo) AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget E-mail Such E-mail Such a Print this moment Print This Prepared Property RSS Internet Feed RSS Mobile Surprise yet WeatherMobile FCNmail Email NewslettersNewsletters Initiate Video Interview amongst x17online.com West Coast editor Tomm Taylor 10/2/2007 5pm forecast By SANDY COHEN AP Entertainment Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Britney Spears wass ordered Monday in order to surrender custody from her children in order to ex-husband Kevin Federline. Superb Court Judge Scott M. Gordon ruled the current Federline may take custody from Sean Preston, 1, together with Jayden James, 1, arising Wednesday "until funny things condition out of this court." This condition stemmed from what i read in an unspecified oral motion formed by Federline's attorneys additonally, wass handled over a closed-door hearing. Such judge's order didn't arrangement the cause of such a tweak within custody additonally, everyone transcripts out of their proceedings got ordered sealed. Phone messages left regarding representatives from Spears and also Federline weren't immediately paid off Monday. Endure month, Gordon claimed Spears engaged during "habitual, frequent along with long-lasting employment out of controlled substances together with alcohol." He ordered their pop star in order to suffer random drug additonally, alcohol testing twice a week due to the fact that half of her ongoing custody dispute amidst Federline. Spears as well wass in the past ordered regarding meet weekly in one "parenting coach" who have was into observe yet report back in order to the court just about her parenting skills. Both Spears and Federline have got to complete that court's "Parenting Without Conflict" class. Spears, 25, along with Federline, 29, got wed throughout October the previous year. She filed on divorce the preceding November along with it became official through July. Their uni undergo joint custody out of their sons, however Federline may be looking for a greater share out of custody. From the time Spears became single, her troubles hold played out during this tabloids. Original she was photographed at the majority of Hollywood hotspots partying in on Paris Hilton. Other photos captured Spears without panties. When that happens Spears shaved her administered, beat a vehicle amongst an umbrella while ended together spending one month during rehab. An MTV Video Music Awards performance last month caused in order to herald her comeback was universally panned. Such following week, Spears' management organization fallen her yet her divorce lawyer resigned. She subsequently was charged amid misdemeanor counts from smacked-additonally,-make every effort combined with driving without one valid license in regards to allegedly crashing to one parked automobile throughout The month of august. Spears' the most recent album is released Nov. 13. Raquel Maria Dillon in on Los Angeles contributed to that news story.

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